Source code for example_code.polynomial

from numbers import Number

[docs]class Polynomial: def __init__(self, coefs): self.coefficients = coefs
[docs] def degree(self): return len(self.coefficients) - 1
def __str__(self): coefs = self.coefficients terms = [] # Degree 0 and 1 terms conventionally have different representation. if coefs[0]: terms.append(str(coefs[0])) if > 0 and coefs[1]: terms.append(f"{coefs[1]}x") # Remaining terms look like cx^d, though factors of 1 are dropped. terms += [f"{'' if c == 1 else c}x^{d}" for d, c in enumerate(coefs[2:], start=2) if c] # Sum polynomial terms from high to low exponent. return " + ".join(reversed(terms)) or "0" def __repr__(self): return type(self).__name__ + "(" + repr(self.coefficients) + ")" def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Polynomial) and \ self.coefficients == other.coefficients def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Number): return Polynomial((self.coefficients[0] + other,) + self.coefficients[1:]) elif isinstance(other, Polynomial): # Work out how many coefficient places the two polynomials have in # common. common = min(, + 1 # Sum the common coefficient positions. coefs = tuple(a + b for a, b in zip(self.coefficients[:common], other.coefficients[:common])) # Append the high degree coefficients from the higher degree # summand. coefs += self.coefficients[common:] + other.coefficients[common:] return Polynomial(coefs) else: return NotImplemented def __radd__(self, other): return self + other